Who we are
LATO is a non-governmental organisation established in 2000. It aims to inform the public about NATO and Latvia`s membership in the Alliance, to organise informative public events about Latvian and Euro-Atlantic security issues, to promote partnerships with other countries, to lay the foundations for Latvia`s international role as a member of NATO, and to foster the international community’s understanding of Latvia`s foreign and security policy aims. During the past 20 years, LATO has bridged academics, politics, changemakers, business leaders and ideas from wider security and defence sector. LATO organises the most influential security conference in the Baltic Sea region: The Rīga Conference. It facilitates discussion about issues affecting the transatlantic community and annually gathers international experts in foreign affairs and security/defense matters, policy makers, journalists, and business representatives. LATO promotes policy relevant research on topics such as gender equality, peace and security, resilience in the borderland, and the subjective perception of security. Series of various initiatives intended for increasing the interest of Latvian, Baltic and European youth in security related issues have been put in motion, including an annual future leader’s forum and masterclasses for young political leaders.
LATO aims:

  • to inform the public about NATO and Latvia`s membership in the Alliance;
  • to organise public informative events about Latvian and Euro-Atlantic security issues;
  • to promote partnership with other countries and to inform them about Latvia as an active EU and NATO member state;
  • to lay the foundations for Latvia`s international role as a member of NATO;
  • to foster the international community’s understanding of Latvia`s foreign policy aims.

What does LATO do?

  • distributes information and encourages discussions about questions relating to Latvia`s defence and security policy;
  • encourages research on Latvian and international security issues;
  • organizes seminars, lectures, conferences, and other events;
  • participates in forums on international security policy;
  • cooperates with organizations in Latvia and abroad that support the aims of LATO.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest decision making body of LATO. The members` AGM elects the LATO Board which consists of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman and seven Board members. The Board organizes the activities of LATO between AGMs, approves decisions and reports to the AGM. The Secretary General deals with administrative duties and other activities.

In 2011 LATO was granted public benefit organization status in the field of civil society development. It is a high appreciation for LATO performance in achieving our goals. Also, it is a way to strengthen and develop our cooperation with corporate partners*.

*According to Law on Enterprise Income Tax, taxes shall be reduced for enterprises by 85 per cent of amounts donated to societies and foundations registered in the Republic of Latvia, to which the public benefit organisation status has been granted. The total tax rebate may not exceed 20 per cent of the total amount of taxables.

Executive Office

Sigita Struberga
Secretary General
[email protected]
(+371) 26868668
Viesturs Bērziņš
YATA President
[email protected]
Inga Kanasta-Zabarovska
Office Manager
[email protected]
Viesturs Romka
Project Manager
[email protected]


Jānis Karlsbergs, Chairman of the Board
Māris Cepurītis, Member of the Board
Sandis Šrāders, Member of the Board
Žaneta Ozoliņa, Vice-Chairwoman of the Board
Toms Baumanis, Vice-Chairman of the Board
Roberts Erdmanis, Member of the Board
Nora Vanaga, Member of the Board
Mārtiņš Mūrnieks, Member of the Board
Heinrihs Rozēns, Member of the Board