5 Years Later: the Evolution of Warfare, Disinformation and Cyber Security

5 Years Later: the Evolution of Warfare, Disinformation and Cyber Security

5 years ago at the Rīga Conference, Elīna Lange-Ionatamišvili, Senior Expert, NATO StratCom COE and András Rácz, Senior Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations discussed issues related to cyber-security and disinformation. This interview looks at the way that warfare and foreign interference have evolved or changed since 2015. How do foreign powers use our own weaknesses against us? Are new approaches taken to measure resilience? How do we improve media literacy to improve our chances against disinformation? How do we invest in our own defence in a smart way?

To watch the interview from 5 years ago please follow this link:

The interview is part of a series developed in the context of the annual Rīga Conferences organised by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The purpose of the series is to keep discussions alive in between consecutive conferences.